
Plastic Free July: une perspective bienveillante

Plastic Free July: A Brilliant Perspective

Posted on 13/07/2021

  Maybe there`s a way not to go crazy about our plastic usage. Pure recommends to slack on culpability and reconsider your daily habits with kindness, thanks to Plastic Free July, a...
Le vrac et le fleuve: un lien d’amour

Bulk and Oceans: A Love Story

Posted on 30/06/2021

  Reduces plastic wraps (thus reducing the quantity of thrash you produce, especially the tons of plastic ones used in everyday life)Allows you to buy just the right amount (and...
Comment bien nettoyer son plancher avec un chien

Floor Cleaning for Dog Owners

Posted on 23/06/2021

You love your dog and he loves you back. Although, at times, you wonder how does he get your floor so dirty.We know you want a clean, nice-smelling home.And we...
S'afficher bleu!

Made in Canada

Posted on 23/06/2021

 There’s something about this land, something that’s richer than fertilizer.Something pure, shining, a light that comes through the exercise of one’s true self.We are creators, entrepreneurs, conveners. Let us show...
Un partenariat avec Obi pour une maison propre et épurée

Partnering with Obi for a Clean and Uncluttered Home

Posted on 19/05/2021

We are excited to announce our partnership with Obi, a home organization service specialized in decluttering and in creating beautiful, practical spaces (excerpt from the company's website).Most of us can...
5 ans de certification Engagement Climat par Ecocert!

5 years of Climate change Certification by Ecocert at Total Fabrication!

Posted on 22/04/2021

This year, we celebrate 5 years of Climate Engagement Certification by Ecocert at Total Fabrication!

To uphold this certification, signifies so much for us (and our planet)!

It's not simply a logo that appears on our product labels.

Je suis Pure, par Florence-Léa Siry

''Je suis Pure'', by Florence-Léa Siry

Posted on 25/03/2021

Hello, my name is Florence-Léa Siry, I am a zero-waste expert and owner of the brand Flonette (we are a few days away from launching the official website, yeah!). In my...
2021 : Une étape à la fois!

2021 : One step at a time!

Posted on 06/01/2021

As we all know, only a small percentage of New Year's resolutions are kept.And that's really not a big deal.In our opinion, the new year is mostly a number, a...
Pure donne pour Noël!

Pure donne pour Noël!

Posted on 18/12/2020

    En 2020, Pure a reçu une immense vague d’amour. Vous avez été tellement généreux envers nous, et nous en sommes plus que reconnaissants. C’était donc tout naturel pour...
Dans la peau d'un bidon Pure!

The life of our 20L containers!

Posted on 01/12/2020

Pure offers to consumers a convenient access to bulk with 500 refill stations and to retailers to reduce plastic. Did you know that once the 20L uses is finished in store, it comes back to our factory in St-Alexandre-de-Kamouraska ? It is preciously sanitized and ready to be used again.

Avez-vous une routine bien-être ?

Do you have a wellness routine?

Posted on 22/11/2020

According to the dictionary, a routine is: a mechanical habit, unthinking, and resulting from a succession of actions repeated over and over again.There are many benefits to having a routine....
Pour des vêtements qui sentent bon!

For clothes that smell good

Posted on 12/11/2020

Ahhh! The smell of freshly washed clothes... Dip your nose in the blankets that have just been dried on the clothesline... Let’s admit it, we all do it! Now that...
Témoignage de Jessica sur les Campagnes de financement écologiques Pure

Jessica's Testimonial on Pure's Eco-friendly Fundraising Campaign

Posted on 04/11/2020

In the summer of 2019, I went to the community of Villa Riva in the Dominican Republic to participate in the expansion of an educational community garden that was set...
22 août 2020 : Jour du dépassement de la Terre

​August 22, 2020 : Earth Overshoot Day

Posted on 24/08/2020

I don't know if this is good news or bad news. Last Saturday, August 22nd, was earth overshoot day. That’s when we exhausted all our resources on earth for the...
Nos vacances au Québec !

Our vacation in Quebec!

Posted on 13/08/2020

Since the beginning of summer, social networks have been flooded with so many pictures of landscapes, rivers, but most of all, smiles. Quebecers have (re)discovered Quebec's regions and nature during...
La Révolution du vrac par Pure!

Bulk Revolution, by Pure!

Posted on 24/07/2020

Bulk has been gaining in popularity for many years, and we are so happy to see a change happening all around us! Because at Pure, it has been our way...
Multiusage? Cuisine Salle de bain? Multisurface?

Multipurpose? Kitchen + Bathroom? Multisurface?

Posted on 22/07/2020

You've always wondered: "What's the difference between Pure’s Multipurpose, Kitchen + Bath and Multisurface?
Une collabo pour un mode de vie encore plus écolo!

A collab for an even greener lifestyle!

Posted on 06/07/2020

Andréanne Marquis no longer needs to be introduced. Born in our beautiful region (Lower St. Lawrence!) and founder of the Womance company, she is a well-established businesswoman whom we love and admire! And we are really happy to collaborate with her this summer!