
Une collaboration qui a du chien : Pure X Chiots Nordiques

Une collaboration qui a du chien : Pure X Chiots Nordiques

Posted on 11/03/2025

Nous sommes très heureux de vous partager notre nouvelle collaboration avec l’organisme Chiots Nordiques. Savais-tu que la surpopulation canine dans les communautés autochtones entraine encore chaque année des problèmes causant...
Janvier, promo sur tous nos produits lavande 💜

January, promo on all our lavender products💜

Posted on 02/01/2025

  For January, we're offering you the chance to start the year with 15% OFF on all Pure products with a lavender scent! It’s the perfect time to discover this...
3 raisons de recharger en 2025

3 reasons do refill in 2025

Posted on 02/01/2025

  3 raisons d'adopter la recharge Pure pour 2025 1: The price of packaging can represent up to 75% of the price. Bulk allows you to save up to 25%...
Innovation vrac à la maison

Bulk at home innovation

Posted on 18/11/2024

Coming Soon - 2025Online and in stores Total Fabrication X Cascades United by a shared desire to offer sustainable packaging alternatives, here is our latest innovation: the inclined tray-box bag!...
Promo sur tous les produits Pure fleur d'amandier! 🌺

Promotion on all Pure Almond blossom products!🌺

Posted on 03/09/2024

In September, we're offering you our best back-to-school promotion: 15% off all Pure products, our #1 scent, Almond Blossom! 🎉 Use the code: fleurdamandier (promotion valid for a limited time)....
Le jour de la terre, à tous les jours par Jenyfer

Earth day, every day by Jenyfer

Posted on 28/03/2024

  For 5 springs now, I have been living with the Pure family, Earth Month. A month dedicated to partners, consumers and our beautiful planet. “I don’t want to change...
Bien hydrater ses cheveux l'hiver

Moisturize your hair in winter

Posted on 17/02/2024

Did you know that our leave-in detangling and thermal protection treatment is perfect for dry hair? We recommend always spraying the product on dry hair in order to properly detangle...
Un impact plus durable, une brassée à la fois

A lasting impact, one load at a time

Posted on 16/01/2024

Did you know that? 130 billion of clothing are consumed on our planet each year. These clothes need to be washed.Imagine the number of loads that it represent every year. We...
Nos petites suggestions pour Noël

Nos petites suggestions pour Noël

Posted on 10/12/2023

  Avant d'acheter un cadeau cette année, pose-toi les questions, "est-ce durable"? Et, "est-ce que cette personne a besoin de cet objet"? Cela t'aidera à faire des cadeaux éclairés. Et rappelle-toi,...
Campagne de financement rapide, payante et écoresponsable!

Fast, profitable and eco-friendly fundraising campaign

Posted on 30/10/2023

The PURE fundraising campaign is tailor-made for you! 🚀 For 15 years we have been helping young people realize their projects thanks to our products and our fundraising campaign offer....
Les avantages du bonne routine capillaire

The benefits of a good hair routine

Posted on 13/08/2023

A summer tamed on rainy Sundays to slow down and take care of yourself. A temperature that reminds us of the crying need for change and the importance of taking...
Mois du vrac Pure : relaxe et recharge ♻️

Pure Bulk Month, relax & refill ♻️

Posted on 03/07/2023

Happy plastic free July! No holidays for our beautiful planet, it needs kindness and solution more than ever.  Relax & Refill  In collaboration with Société Via, we went to visit...
Vous êtes à un cheveu de faire la différence

Get a head start on change. Pure, bulk hair care!

Posted on 05/06/2023

  After more than 1 year of work, the team is proud to present an innovative and sustainable hair care line for healthy, shiny hair without compromise, made from naturally sourced...
Nouvelle gamme de soins capillaires écoresponsable chez Pure

New Pure sustainable hair care line

Posted on 05/06/2023

RESTORE YOUR HAIR’S VOLUME For more than a year, all departments of Total Fabrication have been actively involved in the development of new Pure products. We also involved hairdressers, hairdressing...
Cadeaux écoresponsables et durables pour papa

Sustainable gifts for dads

Posted on 04/06/2023

  Dads love to make local and sustainable discoveries. They will not necessarily be the first to make changes, but they are proud to tame new habits with their children...
Les meilleurs activités à faire au Kamouraska

Come visit us this summer at Kamouraska, Quebec!

Posted on 13/05/2023

 Visiting Kamouraska, Quebec, must be on your summer 2023 bucket list. The Kamouraska is worth the roadtrip for its river, its good food and its activities. This region of province...
Fête des mères, quel cadeau écolo acheter?

Mother's Day, what sustainable gift to buy?

Posted on 25/04/2023

  May 14th is Mother's Day and we have prepared the most beautiful selection of sustainable gift ideas to help you make a responsible choice. 🌸🌎 First, know that above...
Mois de la terre Pure

Pure Earth Month

Posted on 03/04/2023

Earth month is kicking off! 🌍 It's the perfect opportunity to do your part and reduce your environmental foot print with Pure! ♻ Thanks to our refill concept, since 2019,...