Partnering with Obi for a Clean and Uncluttered Home
Posted on 19/05/2021

We are excited to announce our partnership with Obi, a home organization service specialized in decluttering and in creating beautiful, practical spaces (excerpt from the company's website).
Most of us can only dream of the clean, tidy rooms shown in magazines and on social media. If anything, you feel pressured to do something when you look at your own mess.
About Obi
Founder Gabrielle, a storage aficionado, launched Obi in March 2020. She believes that, beyond the beauty of a tidy house, there is a philosophy behind decluttering.
You can click on the following link to learn more about Obi (French only):
We, at Pure, often talk (!) about ecology, healthy living, and bulk goods. We guide you toward a gradual use of effective, biodegradable products.
We will talk about the importance of a streamlined, decluttered life, along with Obi and its 10 reasons why, but mostly because an organized home promotes less waste by showing you exactly what you have.
And since Gabrielle uses our products and has developed a few cleaning tips of her own, we were destined for each other.
Promotional Code
Use promotional code pureobi10 and get 10% off on all of our regular-price products on
Try Pure, oNature, Omaïki par Pure, Flonette, Osmose, and Nordora products - we know you have been wanting to check them out for a while now.
So, let's go! Check your Instagram, and ours, to get inspired.