​August 22, 2020 : Earth Overshoot Day

Posted on 24/08/2020

22 août 2020 : Jour du dépassement de la Terre

I don't know if this is good news or bad news. Last Saturday, August 22nd, was earth overshoot day. That’s when we exhausted all our resources on earth for the year 2020. Did you know that? Basically, we have 4 months left before New Year's Eve party, living with the same – already loaded – credit card.

Until the end of 2020, we’re living beyond our means. According to the Global Footprint Network, we’re living at a rate of 1.6 planets (when we only have one). This is still far too much!

In 2019, July 29th was earth overshoot day. The pandemic allowed us to gain 3 weeks over last year. Good news! The new habits we have adopted are bearing fruit: making our list before going out, limiting our trips, buying local in bulk, getting deliveries! We must not lose all these good new habits. We really hope you got into bulk this year, because bulk, among many other actions, has helped our beautiful planet get better (you should read our blog about it: I can finally breathe!).

Changing habits spontaneously is not easy - we know that. We're here for you, and we won't let you down! We'll continue to show you how simple and easy it is to buy in bulk. And most importantly, we'll continue to talk to you about the environment. It's our priority to focus on eco-responsible choices. Because we are much more than just soap bottles. The day we will stop repeating tips about the environment is when everyone will put their heart into it.

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