Bulk and Oceans: A Love Story
Posted on 30/06/2021

- Reduces plastic wraps (thus reducing the quantity of thrash you produce, especially the tons of plastic ones used in everyday life)
- Allows you to buy just the right amount (and thus reduce waste) while saving up to 25% on refills.
- Reduces your environmental print during transportation (no boxes = less stuff to carry around. The bigger bulk containers are easier to stack than individually wrapped items = optimized transport space.)
- Contributes to sustainable development: Pure products that are bulk accessible are bio friendly, reuse friendly, tomorrow friendly, local friendly and sustainability friendly…Find your friendly retailers now.
- Makes sense. Ourbulk allows you to finally align your lifestyle to your values.
The St-Lawrence River
For all above mentioned reasons, Pure is proud to be a leader in the bulk business for more than a decade! We also have a very precious motive to contribute to a more sustainable world: a healthier St-Lawrence River.A recent study, mentioned in this Radio Canada article, showcases that the St-Lawrence River is one of the most micro-plastic polluted waterways. These residues are insoluble and unfilterable by epuration plants, they then infiltrate the river’s sediments, fishes but also our drinking water.
The article mentions we ingest up to 5g of plastic per week. This is like eating your debit card. With Pure’s bulk, we steer away from plastic overuse, and thus, steer plastic away form our plates and cups.
Our Total Fabrication plant is situated in Saint-Alexandre-de-Kamouraska. A place where the river is our front yard, our ecosystem, our history, our identity, the true backbone of our community. One for all of Quebec to rely on. We truly love this river. We love its belugas, its fishes and its plants. At Pure, it is with the river (and life forms it’s hosting) in mind that we design our products. You will not find a single trace of micro plastics in our products. By offering them in bulk, we hope of taking another step towards eliminating plastic containers, one at a time.
Creating Household and Body Care Products with our Heart
Just like you do at home, we also try to make sense and coherence out of our actions and their consequences. Here, our team is made of family men/women, nature lovers, thoughtful grand parents, conscious and dynamic youth. Those personal characteristics don’t disappear when we come into work. Quite the contrary! At Pure, we put all we are in all we do.
That is why we have been putting our heart in every product every day for over a decade, products that basically will not leave a single trace in our environment. In the end, this planet is for the youth, and the future generations, we just have the luck of borrowing it today. Since the early days, Pure has been designing biodegradable products, not tested on animals, without danger for septic tanks. All of this is just extra care for the health of our river and households.
That is why at Pure, we’ve been doing bulk since day 1.