Earth day, every day by Jenyfer
Posted on 28/03/2024

For 5 springs now, I have been living with the Pure family, Earth Month. A month dedicated to partners, consumers and our beautiful planet. “I don’t want to change the world, but I have the opportunity for the world to change.” I am very lucky to work with a company that sticks 100% to my values in order to be kind to our planet.
Last March 15, we exhausted all our resources in Canada. Shocking isn't it? What if I told you that together, we can make a difference. For real. People may not realize it in their laundry room or kitchen, but the Pure community manages to save more than 1 million bottles per year from our sorting centers. My friend Yan-Éric teased me a few years ago: “Jeny is going to convert them household by household.” This sentence has echoed in my head ever since. I won't hide from you that there are days that I find it more difficult, but I have to remember that this is a marathon and not a sprint.
It's all well and good to want to save the planet, but where do you start? For me the transition to sustainable products was easy, because it was the first gesture my mother made when choosing Pure more than 10 years ago. I find it beautiful, because in addition to using products made from safe ingredients for her health, today, it is normal for her & her grandchildren (my godchildren) to put the empty bottles on the edge of the door and refill them locally. I believe that the first change that people should make is to abandon chemicals in their homes and reuse their bottles.
A few years ago, I made a top 5 list of things to reduce, the satisfaction of crossing off the selected items on my sheet, and over time I added objects and it became natural for me to reduce my consumption. My best thing is to start at your own pace, give yourself time, ask questions. The important thing is to start somewhere and above all to remember that buying means voting.
Pure more than soap
Everyone needs soap! Pure offers to make it simple: Canadian products, offered in bulk, ultra-concentrated formula, safe ingredients, good for septic tanks, gentle on sensitive skin, safe for your animals, etc. By choosing Pure you choose much more than effective products.
Pure Bulk Master
Who are they? It's Pierre, Annie, Fabienne, Alex, Marylin, Chrystal, there are around fifty of them in the country. I quickly became friends with the bulk masters. When you come from a magnificent city like Rivière-du-Loup,Quebec, you quickly learn the importance of buying local because we know almost all the entrepreneurs. They are all that and above all, they are kings & queens ofsustainability. They are local eco-entrepreneurs who work to offer sustainable products within 12 months of the year. Can we afford to lose our local businesses? NO! So this month, I invite you to visit the Pure store near you, they have a nice bulk promotion on Pure products, find the list HERE, they have a red mention. 📍
April 22 Earth Day / Public Holiday for Total Fabrication
We remember that we made a lot of headlines in 2022 for being the first Quebec company to offer the public holiday to Total Fabrication employees. Leave for everyone allows us to reduce 1.5 tonnes of GHGs by limiting our travel or not using the car. Although the gestures are huge at the factory, it is our nature to grow superheroes who are the change our world needs.
Are you in? On April 22 not to take your car!
Happy Birthday Anthony!
April 1st is also the birthday of an important person in the company, Anthony Poitras. CEO at Total Fabrication, he is also my neighbor and my friend since the 1st year of elementary school. We rarely see him in public, but he is a modest businessman who works very hard for his partners.
I like to believe that it is no coincidence that his birthday falls on day 1 of our Earth Month. I could show you terrible archives of him, but I won't do that (this year).
Have a wonderful day Anthony surrounded by your family, your children are lucky to have a dad who is changing the world with his team. 🌎 🎉
Jenyer Hodgson, Saint-Alexandre-de-Kamouraska, 2024 April