Tips & tricks

Laver ses panneaux de mélamine en 3 étapes

How to clean your melamine cabinets

Posted on 19/10/2021

Cupboards and cabinets are a place where a lot of dirty little fingers tend to meet over the week.It’s THAT spot you really can’t explain how or why it’s ALWAYS...
Comment détartrer ta machine à café

Descaling your coffee machine

Posted on 08/10/2021

We know for a fact coffee fanatics don’t use their machine once a year…more like once a day…That’s why we wanted to share with you guys our best tip to...
SOS mauvaises odeurs


Posted on 30/06/2021

Just like everybody else, once you go hard at the gym or field, your sport clothes will take that special smell of ‘’effort’’.Not so fun to smell like a old...
Garder une piscine propre tout au long de l'été

Keep a clean pool all summer long

Posted on 29/06/2021

Our Kitchen + Bathroom is the perfect tool to keep your pool accessories clean all summer long. The product's degreasing agent also allows you to clean the pool outline, which can...
La shampouineuse avec tes produits Pure

Portable Carpet & Upholstery Cleaner

Posted on 27/06/2021

What's a portable carpet & upholstery cleaner? This device washes the fabrics of sofas and rugs. The darker the water is, the more satisfaction this machine creates.  We have few...
Entretien du kayak et du paddle board

Tips & Tricks : Kayak and paddle board maintenance

Posted on 22/06/2021

If you're a kayaking fan, you know how necessary it is to clean it from time to time. The Multi-Purpose cleaner will get it super clean while preserving lakes and...
Comment détartrer la douche

Bye bye limescale!

Posted on 20/06/2021

It's not a secret, water is hard in Saint-Alexandre-de-Kamouraska. That's why we love to do a deep clean in our shower with Scrubbing cream. It's the perfect product to get...
Comment bien laver sa casquette

Hat Washing 101

Posted on 08/06/2021

    The best trick for that is your new best friend:  BORAX. 1.Pour about 4L of water in a plastic bin. 2.Add 60ml of BORAX powder.3.Throw your dirty hats...
La meilleure routine de lavage écolo

Laundry Energy-Saving

Posted on 07/06/2021

Who doesn't like to fall asleep on sheets infused with a fresh outdoor smell?Clotheslines not only give a wonderful smell, but it saves energy too! Give your dryer a vacation...
Joints de céramique impeccables

Spotless Grout

Posted on 01/06/2021

[Note that this tip is from Obi, a home organization partner.] Most of you are familiar with our Scouring Cream and how effective it is on showers' grout. But did you know...
Le rinçage, la réutilisation et le recyclage des pots collants

Rince, reuse and recycling sticky containers.

Posted on 31/05/2021

The peanut butter jar is finally empty. You wish you could just throw it into the recycling bin, but you have that lingering guilt stalling you.Worry no more: Pure's products...
Entretien du VTT avec un produit écolo

Four wheels maintenance with eco-friendly products

Posted on 31/05/2021

Riding your 4-wheeler is a lot of fun, but it's impossible to keep it clean. To care for your ATV, spray the body and/or windshield with Pure's Kitchen + Bathroom biodegradable cleaner,...
Éliminer la saleté sur le PVC

Tips & Tricks : Remove dirt on the outside covering of the house

Posted on 31/05/2021

Every time you look at your PVC siding, you shudder and think, "It'll take me hours to clean this up." Wrong! You can remove dirt from your PVC siding by...
Bien nettoyer la poubelle et le bac de composte rapidement

Clean the trash can quickly

Posted on 31/05/2021

Your trash can smells funny? Maybe it's a sign that it's time to clean it out!We don't know anyone who is passionate about trash can cleaning, but we know exactly...
Le détergent à lessive Pure est très efficace sur les taches!

Pure Laundry detergent: very effective on stains!

Posted on 31/05/2021

Did you know that Pure Laundry Detergent is also very effective on stains? If you don't have Stain Remover on hand at home, simply pour a small amount of Laundry Detergent on...
Entretien du vélo avec des produits québécois

Bike maintenance with a Canadian product

Posted on 31/05/2021

Bike season is coming to an end, or just for a regular wash, opt for our Pure duo! The Kitchen + Bathroom removes dirt and grease without rubbing: just spray, let it...
Nettoyer rapidement le plancher avec un produit ultraconcentré

How to quickly clean the floor

Posted on 17/09/2020

''One dog is good, but two are even dirtier!'' -@ge.desjardins Living with 2 dogs at home is not a relaxing experience! Olive and Arthur are like children: we always have...
Bombes de bain

Make your own bath bombs

Posted on 07/08/2020

"There’s nothing more relaxing than a good bath, especially when you are (very) pregnant!" Marie-Hélène loves bath time, but even more since she got pregnant. And she’s enjoying it while...