Bye bye limescale!

Posted on 20/06/2021

Comment détartrer la douche

It's not a secret, water is hard in Saint-Alexandre-de-Kamouraska. That's why we love to do a deep clean in our shower with Scrubbing cream. It's the perfect product to get rid of limescale in the shower glass. 

DIY Tik Tok 
Influenced by Tik Tok here a simple recipe withPure ingredients we had at home. This solution is just as effective as the Pure Scrubbing Cream.




  1. Heat the vinegar for 1 minute before pouring it into the spray bottle
  2. Add dishwashing liquid
  3. Spray on the surface to be cleaned
  4. Wait 30 minutes
  5. Rub with a sponge
  6. Bye bye limescale! ✨✨


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