Tips & tricks
Living room

DIY ton multisurface aux lilas

Homemade multisurface with lilacs

Posted on 01/06/2024

We have a great passion for lilacs and are very fortunate to have many, many of them in our yard.We created our own ready-to-use multi-surface cleaner with a lilac aroma....
La shampouineuse avec tes produits Pure

Portable Carpet & Upholstery Cleaner

Posted on 27/06/2021

What's a portable carpet & upholstery cleaner? This device washes the fabrics of sofas and rugs. The darker the water is, the more satisfaction this machine creates.  We have few...
Nettoyer rapidement le plancher avec un produit ultraconcentré

How to quickly clean the floor

Posted on 17/09/2020

''One dog is good, but two are even dirtier!'' -@ge.desjardins Living with 2 dogs at home is not a relaxing experience! Olive and Arthur are like children: we always have...
Garder ses chaussures blanches

Tips & Tricks : keep your shoes white

Posted on 15/06/2020

  "Under no circumstances will I get a style ticket with my white shoes on!” - @jenyferhodgson Jenyfer has always had a passion for white shoes (and keeping them intact!)....