The Plan B
Posted on 07/04/2020

- Expo Manger Santé et Vivre Vert
- Launching of the new Pure image
- My trip to Cancun (don’t throw rocks at me, I buy CO2 offsetting when I travel!)
On March 12th, everything changed on my schedule: Expo Manger Santé et Vivre Vert is cancelled, because of the COVID-19 pandemic. That’s when we have to find a plan B. Quickly. The whole team is in reaction mode with a positive approach. I’m an expert in dealing with turnarounds, but I hate having to go back to plan Bs. #thereisnoplanetb
On March 23rd, I was supposed to go to sleep under the sun for a week with my favorite travel agent and friend. After a crazy week, it was inconceivable for my brain and heart to leave for a whole week during this crisis (my trip is cancelled and we are producing an essential need: soap). But at this date, I am tired. The last few months have been really intense. But now, I have to take care of myself before taking care of the planet. Shout out to my boss/friend Anthony who, for my sake, encouraged me to go and rest. It wasn’t what I first wanted, but I listened to him, because I know he really wants me to. There should be more people like “Tony” in this world.
Our team is managing a tremendous increase in all departments. In just a few months, our production at Pure has increased by 220%. Hats off to our team members who perform with a smile and keep up with the pace despite the pressure. Pure is one big family, and we’re all here for each other. In addition to managing growth, the family has been affected by the disease. We’ve supported our team. Without any hesitation, we worked hard. I am so proud and grateful for this beautiful gang that is the change our world needs.
So, two weeks agao, as planned, I left on vacation&mdashbut for another destination: home (believe me Aglaée, we’re not done travelling yet!). Like everyone else, I started cleaning all the rooms in my house and bringing them back to life. I drew rainbows in my windows and even turned on my Christmas lights for my young neighbours (and for me). I took some time to support (with my credit card) #madeinquebec companies in my own way and to think of my loved ones. I looked at my memories (I have a real archive center!) and shared them with my friends. I got a lot of sleep and I got a little bit off from my daily work-work-work schedule.
Certainly the best break I could afford. I took a step back from one of our biggest projects and realized that the word “rainbow” was already common at Pure and has been for several months. The team has been working for over a year on a new formula, a new image, and we call our bottles our “rainbow”.
credit : @isaouellet
Even if the expected launch won’t happen, and since the planet has sent us all to our rooms to think about it, I believe that our new bottles are the rainbow that people want in their kitchen and bathroom. A healthy home with products made in Quebec. And since we’re now out of all
Stay tuned, because the Pure family will soon have a colourful surprise for you on our online store and in your favourite local stores. Thanks to our entire community for supporting us and believing in our values. #jesuispure
PS: Stay home, wash your hands and try to love plan B’s.