‘’Je suis Pure’’, you are Pure, we are Pure
Posted on 23/10/2021

Pure is celebrating its 12th birthday this year! Since 2009, we’ve been offering bulk-oriented products and in the process helped you guys in joining the movement.
When you tag us on social media, you’re all using our handle @jesuispure.
Which literally translates to ‘’I am Pure’’… but what’s the story behind this signature?
Well at our beginnings in 2009, social media were not what they are today. A few pioneers were already roaming on Facebook, but the commercial and marketing prowess of these platforms had yet to be discovered.
In 2015 however, some businesses started promoting their products and services through socials.
Pure was there.
But what we did back then has very little in common with our social media usage today, like many other businesses.
At first, we felt the need to kickstart a movement, to create a sense of belonging regarding our products.
Because endorsing our products is a way of endorsing a more eco-responsible lifestyle.
You don’t simply buy Pure products because of their cleaning quality.
You buy them because you want to contribute to a better world.
This sums up exactly the vocation and importance of our social media community.
Therefore, Graphic designer Isabelle Ouellet and Head of Marketing Jenyfer inherited a #notthatsimple mission from the #bigboss called ‘’we should do something with our Facebook page’’.
In a brainstorming meeting, they came up with the caption ‘’Je suis Pure’’. Using it as our social media handle and as a hashtag was the best way of regrouping posts, associating our brand to the global eco-friendly movement and most of all; building a digital community of people who care as much as we do.
‘’Je suis Pure’’ has become a signature, a way for us to illustrate both our name and the values we endorse.It’s still there years later.
‘’Je suis Pure’’, a signature that reminds you why you pick us everyday.
‘’Je suis Pure’’, you are Pure, we are Pure.