Say something or nothing, speak or listen!
Posted on 20/05/2020

There have been many debates, messages and injustices in the past week.
We were attentive and it was natural for our team to learn more about the sad reality that is racism.
Since last Tuesday, we took a break: giveaways, advertising, posts. Because we made the choice not to dilute the important information that was flowing. Until a few days ago, the focus on social media was on buying local. Still, we have to remember that we are living a pandemic and that times are hard for all businesses. And yes, this decision not to publish anything means that our online sales this week have dropped a lot because we were no longer "active". I know that our sales are not equal to the problem of our company right now. And that's totally true! However, this decision could have resulted in the temporary layoff of some members in our team. We have worked very hard at Pure since the beginning of the crisis, and we are proud to say that we have kept our entire team of 35 team members employed.
However, no one has been insensitive to what has been going around all week. I salute Sarah Couture and Léonie Pelletier, who have spread good words. Thanks to Alexandre Champagne and Maude Carmel for taking the time to educate us (again) and sharing inspiring people with us. We saw our fave foodie Jessica Prdnc everywhere, finally! Andréanne Marquis told me about the nasty messages she received (let’s remember that she just donated $20,000 to Moisson Quebec). Brands, influencers, entrepreneurs have received a lot of pressure. Social media communities asked them to speak out, to cry out for injustice. What if they didn't want to be opportunistic? What if they wanted to make room for those who had things to teach us? Because bullying is out, just like racism! Don't waste your energy denigrating and criticizing, use that rage or voice to share your message and support your cause. What did you do last week to help the cause?
Personally, I read, watched and mostly cried. It's inconceivable to me that people still go through this kind of trauma (I still cry just thinking about it and my dark circles are just even bigger). No, I didn't watch the whole George Floyd video, because I find it too heartbreaking to watch someone die.
I'm not saying that life is going to go back to normal today, but yes, we'll start publishing content again at Pure and educate you about the environment. The whole team will stay on top of what's happening on our planet, as much in terms of the environment as anything else, because it's part of our values.
Eat in the restaurants you want, listen to the music you like, donate to the foundation that touches you personally, read the books that inspire you, shop for the clothes that make you feel beautiful, continue to educate yourself on subjects you don't know about, because THIS is the change our world needs!