Sustainable wash children's coats

Posted on 08/06/2022

Laver efficacement les manteaux des enfants

Watching the children jump in the mud, what a joy!

Making their clothes look like new, what a satisfaction!

1. Scrub all the stain on all clothes with our Stain Remover. Hop in the washer!
2. Add 20ml (1 small cup) of Laundry Detergent to your large load of a regular washer. You can even throw your little cup into the load, it will be clean for the next one.
3. Add 20ml (1 small cup) of Stripping Powder to your washer. If you can let it soak for a few hours, we recommend it.

Voilà! Don't be discouraged to see them come home after playing outside in the spring 😉

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